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The club will be hosting a breakfast at the Elmira Legion again this year. Date has not been chosen yet. This will be used as a fundraiser for our club to help off-set costs for our non-profit organization. Families are required to sell tickets and provide volunteers. More information will follow. 


Volunteers are needed to help our programs run smoothly. 

Program Assistants - we are looking for more volunteer program assistants to help our coaches run the Learn to Skate and CanSkate programs. This is an excellent way to get volunteer experience. If you are a confident skater and enjoy working with children, please contact us. Program Assistant training Clinic will be offered at the beginning of the season. Volunteers must be at least 12 years of age. 

Parent Volunteers - we are always looking for volunteers! Volunteers are needed throughout the season for various reasons (communicating with parents, helping with talent shows/carnivals, assisting with name tags etc.). 

Board Members - a guaranteed way to ensure your voice as a parent is being heard, and to give input regarding your childs experience and the programs run by the to join our Board! Please let us know if you are interested. HELP WANTED!!!

How to Register

You can Download form, scan and email a copy to us, or slide it under our office door (Office #4) at the Woolwich Memorial Centre. If you have emailed us your form, you must make arrangements to get payment submitted ASAP.


Print and complete registration forms and mail to us.

                 Woolwich Skating Club

                 24 Snyder Ave S

                 Elmira, On

                 N3B 2Z6


Forms & Fees

2016-2017 Registration forms and payment MUST be received from each skater before they are allowed on the ice surface. 

Please make cheques payable to Woolwich Skating Club. Cheques must include your phone number and be submitted with registration forms. Please add skaters name(s) to the memo area of the cheque. If you have emailed a copy of your registration form, please make arrangements to get payment to us ASAP. 


Skate Canada Fees

All registered skaters must pay the annual Skate Canada Fees of $38. This fee is a non-negotiable fee that goes directly to Skate Canada and includes insurance coverage for each skater. This fee is non-refundable. 


NSF Cheques

They payer must immediately replace a cheque paid to the club that is returned to the club and marked by the bank as "Non Sufficient Funds". The Club will charge the fee charged by the bank and will consider it as part of the registration fee in order to determine if the account is paid in full. 

Family Discount

A $25 family discount is available to families that are registering 2 or more skaters for programs within the Woolwich Skating Club. 

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Woolwich Skating Club

24 Snyder Ave A

Elmira, ON

N3B 2Z6

Arena Location

Woolwich Memorial Centre

24 Snyder Ave S

Elmira, ON

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© 2015 by Woolwich Skating Club. Proudly created with

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